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JAWA factory team 1955, all boys in leather. Second from the right is Franta Šťastný, |
První, úvodní část příběhu kožených bund. Je to ten typ oblečení, který Vás asi přežije.
An introduction to a story of leather jackets. Those are the tops which will last longer than you.
První, úvodní část příběhu kožených bund. Je to ten typ oblečení, který Vás asi přežije.
An introduction to a story of leather jackets. Those are the tops which will last longer than you.
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Type A-2 Flight Jacket |
While not everyone may like the fact that the production of leather tank top is derived from the follow-up to the meat-processing industry, in terms of not only the result of the fixed part of the wardrobe, but also a very nifty piece of clothing. Its production requires tanned skin of any animal, but most often it comes to steer, pigskin, horse skin, in rare cases then the skin of antelopes and other larger animals. Leather overcoat are most often colored in black, the defaults are different shades of brown, no exception is jackets in the colors more pronounced.
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Almost everyone has/had a lether jacket |
Tento typ oblečení byl koncipován jako interní záležitost (jako v mnoha dalších případech) pro US Army, možná proto se stal i díky hrdinskému étosu dosaženému během 2. světové války žádaným artiklem. Po uživatelích z řad policistů, či vojenských pilotů se kožené bundy rychle rozšířili i mezi tzv. greasers nebo motorkáře. Módní trend byl na světě a žádná síla na světě ho nebyla schopná dodnes zastavit. Důkazem jsou například dokumentární publikace mapující punkovou, metalovou, gotickou anebo industriální scénu.
This type of clothing has been designed as an internal matter (as in many other cases) for the U.S. Army, perhaps to the heroic ethos achieved during the 2nd World War it became quite popular. After the users from the ranks of the police, or military pilots leather, jackets quickly spread among the greasers and bikers. Fashion trend conquered the world and no force still has not been able to stop this since now. This is evidenced by publications such as documentary charting punk, metal, gothic or industrial scene.
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Heavily custonised leather jackets are not so uncommon |
Nowadays, there are leather armors produced around the world, so you can come across models manufactured by India across Italy and back to North America, from areas sacrificed into meat-processing industry. For those who belong to the animal rights or to the penny-holders guys is existing offer of imitations (the leatherette) from polyurethane or PVC. The cost of these two commodities are obviously incomparable. The look is also a bit different.
Popularita kožených bund je natolik specifická, že nás donutila dohledat, kde se poprvé objevuje kvitesence této již dřevní oděvní kategorie. Je to doba první světové války, kdy znepřátelené mocnosti museli bojujícím pilotům nabídnout funkční typ oblečení. Úplně první kousky byly objemné a střižené jako pláště s výraznými klopami pro ochranu před nepřízní počasí. Cesta kožené bundy v čase před zhruba sto lety původně určené pro pilotní elitu a vybrané členy armád k menšímu a elegantnějšímu provedení povede oklikami, ovšem trendovost (až na výjimky) nebude bránit funkčnímu využití. Od počátku své existence byly ceněny kvůli skvělým izolačním vlastnostem a schopnosti udržet teplo. Svůj díl popularity sklidily například i v bolševickém Rusku, kde se do nich díky černému svrchníku Jakova Sverdlova halili i další členové Čeky. Klíčovými postavami přerodu kožených svrchníků v módní doplněk se stali bratři Irving a Jack Schottovi, kteří vytvořili ikonické Perfecto v roce 1928. Bunda je střižena ze silných plátů kůže, ozdobená výraznými druky na klopách, nechybí masivní zip, a je natolik robustní, že dokáže ochránit motocyklisty při nehodách (teoreticky). Mekka filmového průmyslu, tedy Hollywood, už koncem 20. let všeobecně tento oděvní doplněk přijmul a propagoval, ovšem nemenší díl popularity přinesla oblíbenost u členů motorkářských gangů 40. let. Aby také ne, když se prvním prodejcem stal výrobce motorek Harley-Davidson! Postava Johnnyho Strablera v křiváku z filmu The Wild One (Divoch) se stala zásadním symbolem záporáků. Divochem však linie nekončí a neumřela ani díky dalším glorifikujícím filmům. Pro mladé v 50. a 60. letech byla kožená bunda něco jako vstupenka do rebelského teritoria, společně s džínami. Sedmdesátým létům vládl punk (vzpomeňme například The Ramones), v jehož výbavě rozhodně křivák nemohl chybět, poté štafetu přebral heavy metal s rapem (vzpomeňme např. Run DMC), o něco později se přidal grunge. Dnes už se o pár čísel větší bundy nenosí, v módním pojetí naopak vládne spíše přiléhavost.
The popularity of leather jackets is so specific that forced us to trace where it first appeared quitesence this has wood kind of clothing category. It's the time of the First World War, when the rival powers fighting pilots had to offer functional type of hard wear. The first ever pieces were cut as a bulky jacket with huge lapels for a protection from the weather. Leather jackets a hundred years ago were originally designed for elite pilots and selected members of the military, to the smaller and more elegant design will detours, but being trendy (with some exceptions ) will not be against a proper functional use. From the beginning of its existence the leather jackets were valued for their excellent insulating properties and ability to retain the warm. They were popular, for example, also in Bolshevik Russia, where, thanks to Yakov Sverdlov's black overcoat, there were other members of the Cheka dressed in leather too. The key figures in the transformation of leather overcoats fashion accessory became brothers Irving and Jack Schott, who created the iconic Perfecto jacket in 1928. This jacket is cut from thick leather, adorned with bold studs on the lapels, there is counting of a massive zipper, and it is so robust that it can protect motorcyclists in accidents (well, theoretically). Mecca of film industry named Hollywood received and publicized in the late 20's generally this apparel, but no less a part of popularity has brought by members of motorized gangs of '40s. It is worth to mention that the first vendor became a manufacturer Harley - Davidson! The character of Johnny Strabler's with crook in the movie The Wild One has become a major symbol of the bad guys. However, the story does not end with The Wild One. It continues in a tons of other famous movies. For the youngsters in the '50s and '60s the leather jacket was like a ticket to rebel territory. Through seventies ruled punk (think, for example, The Ramones) in the crooks, that was exactly the equipment you could not live without, then the baton was took over heavy metal across rap (think Run DMC!), a little later added a grunge. Today oversized crooks are not accepted anymore, in fashion concept contrary reigns rather feminine fit.
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Lether jackets, denim, boots... you need anything else? |
The greatest success of leather jackets is credited mainly to model A-2, very curtly cut and put into the U.S. Army as the successor of A-1 in May 1931. As a zipped jacket with a simple collar, two lower side pockets, epaulets, cuffs and side belts (today more common version with ribbed cuffs and ribbed around the bottom edge). It was made by certified, polished brown horse leather, color range was limited to dark brown (called Seal Brown) and lighter red brown to a lighter brown. Lining, without which the pilots probably would feel the cold, was originally silk, later replaced by cotton due to the unsuitability. Zipper was originally steel or brass, some were nickel-plated, main contractor was the legendary company Talon. These jackets were produced in a relatively wide range of sizes (32 to 54). It allowed pilots to feel (whether it was a navigator or bomb trigger) this classic uniform getting less formal, but still a useful piece of clothing, to which they had a truly personal relationship. Therefore, many of them covered with patches and paintings on the back. Sometimes it incorrectly named as a bomber jacket, but the official name was "summer pilot's jacket".
Její plné využití bylo samozřejmě limitováno, ale to už je jiný příběh. Od roku 1943 byl postupně nahrazován typy B-10 a B-15. Zajímavé je, že některé předválečné kusy byly vyráběny z kozí kůže (podobně jako později uvedený Navy G-1 jacket), jiné zase z kůže kravské. Ve spojitosti s výrobou A-2 jsou nejčastěji jmenovány firmy Spiewak, Doniger, Bronco, Rough Wear a Aero Leathers. Z hlediska estetiky byly první A-2 poměrně neforemné a krátké bundy, které vypadaly dost nemotorně a jako nepadnoucí. V ramenou ovšem sedí skvěle, možná i z toho důvodu neztratily na své oblíbenosti i přesto, že je postupem času začala vytlačovat přírodně i jinak zateplované modely dalších kožených svrchníků. Ty se sice také oblékali na triko anebo na triko s leteckou kombinézou, ale už umožňovali mnohem pohodlnější provádění speciálních operací ve vzduchu v těsných kokpitech letounů. Z těch nejzásadnějších jmenujme další letecké úpravy D-1, B-3, D-3, G-1 anebo parky B-9 nebo B-11, většina zajistila popularitu právě značce Spiewak a to i během trvání korejské války v 50. letech.
The full use of those jackets was of course limited, but that's another story. Since 1943 they have been replaced slowly by types of B-10 and B-15. Interestingly, some of the pre-war pieces were made from goatskin (as mentioned later Navy G-1 jacket), others from steer hide. When talking about the production of A-2, there are some frequently mentioned companies: Spiewak, Doniger , Bronco, Rough Wear and Aero Leathers. In terms of aesthetics, the first A-2s were the relatively bulky and short jackets that looked pretty awkward as well as non-perfectly fitting. The shoulders fits perfect, maybe that was the reason why this type of jacket didn't lost its popularity so fast. Later it was replaced by the models with better natural (and otherwise) linings and also by thermal models of other leather overcoats. These new styles allowed to wear only the shirt or T-shirt with the flight suit, but allowed the more comfortable carrying out special operations in the air in tight cockpits of airplanes. Among the most famous and popular models were D-1, B-3 , D-3 , G-1 or B-9/B-11, especially the brand Spiewak made a strong position, even during of the Korean War in the '50s.
You may ask whether it is really necessary to wear sometimes up to eight or ten pounds heavy jackets when you can get a lightweight leather tops from nappa or other finely tanned leather. The original intention of producers were also shaping the body of wearer, in the absence of a cult of the body therefore it was a definition of what we now perceive as " cool" thing, which is confirmed by the film's characters of '90s as Tyler Durden (Fight Club) or Neo (Matrix ). That's how's the leather jacket enters the clothing eternity in definitely form.
... to be continued... soon... hopefully ..
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