Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fashion Monday 1.10.12. - know your customers

Once upon a time one gentleman and his family was passing by our store in Rámová street in the Old Town, Prague and suddenly he realized that there IS a shop selling decent denim in Prague. A bit later he decided to leave the store with Japan Blue JB0103. The greenish hue of these beautiful jeans is what  makes them so special. The color and the fabric made of Zimbabwe cotton (Japanese say that it is the best for denim fabric and we do believe that!). More on the color here. Besides the japanese denim we used also classic pea coat made by Armor Lux. 100% wool and "Made in France" sign. Soon available also in black color. 
In the second part of this Fashion Monday article you can see that we can make an excellent outfit for all the open-minded customers.
Thank you very much for you help with shooting and hope to see you soon!

Pea coat is never out of fashion. Looks always great.

There is an anchor on all the buttons. Because it is a real sailor (fisherman) item.

No selvage this time but a nice color and structure of japanese denim. And obvious Red Wings.

Not used everyday during hot summer but these jeans fits perfect. Mention that there are no turn-ups. Instead stacking is used.

Only a fair-trade cotton fabric for this Armor Lux Aviron shirt

We are all wondering how the jeans will look like after a bit more wearing.

Barbour Beacon Heritage Sports jacket has no zipper. Only buttons, but used very sophisticated way.
Doubled fabric on elbows, lower back pockets and tartan lining are just some details of this awesome tailored jacket.

Medway shirt is the best of its kind. Again, tons of details by To-Ki-To.

A pocket designed to last.

Fashion Mondays:

Monday, September 24, 2012

Fashion Monday 24.9.12 - a Mongolia specialist

Vlada is our long-time friend, he was one of the first models in our Fashion Mondays last season. Now he was very welcome in our store and we are very happy to have him here. Unfortunately he was not wearing his well worn-in Indigofera Clint jeans nor his beaten Edwins. Next time maybe..
Except some sartorialist interests he is a good food lover, a proud father, a traveller and Mongolia specialist.

Part 1.

Double denim by Vlad
Hidden Unionticket inside of the jacket. Check also red selvage line.

Rusty buttons on this awesome denim jacket and rugged belt

Nice leather and selvage detail

Jacket looks a bit stiff when new but it is going to change quite early after wearing

He could be immediately a member of Les Apaches gang 100 years ago.

Part 2.
We love Barbour Cycling Jacket. Mention the Qwstion bag in "portrait" mode.
Qwstion Daypack in "landscape" mode. Easily switched.
And the backpack mode.

It is still a Barbour jacket, even it has very modern fit and feeling

The hoodie is attached to the jacket with buttons and has a beautiful and classic tartan lining.

Lots of zips allowing venting makes this jacket even more practical

Yes, again. The same all the time. Red Wings and selvage, today with an Indigofera Double Red Selvage
Royal RepubliQ Coated Rivet belt, easy to wear and you do not need to be a metal head.

This Indigofera tee looks brown but with a greenish hue, sometimes. Very special.

We really had some fun even Vlada on the last image does not look so... Thank you very very much!

Past issues:

  • 7.11.11.
  • 14.11.11.
  • 21.11.11.
  • 28.11.11.
  • 5.12.11.
  • 12.12.11.
  • 2.1.12.
  • 9.1.12.
  • 16.1.12.
  • 23.1.12.
  • 30.1.12.
  • 6.2.12.
  • 13.2.12.
  • 20.2.12.
  • 27.2.12.
  • 5.3.12.
  • 12.3.12.
  • 19.3.12.
  • 26.3.12.
  • 2.4.12.
  • 9.4.12.
  • 23.4.12.
  • 30.4.12.
  • 7.5.12.
  • 14.5.12.
  • 21.5.12.
  • 28.5.12.
  • 4.6.12.
  • 11.6.12.
  • 18.6.12.
  • 25.6.12
  • 16.7.12.
  • 4.9.12.
  • 10.9.12

  • Monday, September 10, 2012

    Fashion Monday 10.9.12. - twice is better than just once

    Jakub was already a star in the Fashion Monday a couple of months back. At that time we have not carried Barbour clothing yet so we had to give it a try. Today, the great combo with Levi's Vintage Clothing made us all happy. Jakub's attention for all the smallest details is something what we really appreciate.
    Do not forget to check  OKOLO and Pedal Project .. 
    Thanks again, Jakub!

    LVC 501, year 1954. They really got slimmer back in those years.. 
    The fit is much more interesting than the traditional one on a navy shirt. 

    Check the details on the front pockets

    Navy shirt and the navy shoes. An the Red Line selvage...

    The summer is almost over but there is always a good opportunity to wear some Sunpockets..

    Relaxed & content

    Always happy in Barbour

    Brand new raw denim fits always a bit different than worn-in after some days

    Lower back poacher pockets.

    Removable articulated hood and button-only fastening

    Not only the surface of Momotaro's fabric is something very special. 

    The leather on these boots will age quickly and beautifully, we have no doubts

    Not every brand name is acceptable on the chest but Barbour logo is welcome.

    Two stripes symbolize the "Momotaro" war flag. Check the Momotaro article in old blog post.

    In the previous episodes:

    Thursday, September 6, 2012

    Qwstion bags - nová kolekce

    Opravdová stálice v našem portfoliu, to jsou tašky a batohy od švýcarských Qwstion.
    Některé modely, jako například Organiser máme od teď i v seprané černé barvě a vypadá velmi dobře.

    Organiser je velmi universální. Nosit se dá mnoha způsoby

    V seprané černé barvě máme také i speciálně u dámské části poulace oblíbený Tote Bag. Nový Tote Bag má úplně jinak vymyšlený systém popruhů a manipulace s ním je tak o mnoho jednodušší. Také kvůli úprávám o něco méně váží a design je celkově čištší než u staršího modelu.

    I Tote bag je velmi flexibilní

    Tote bag také nyní nabízíme v sezónní barvě Dark Navy. Tmavěmodrý hrubý kanvas vypadá v kombinaci s hnědými popruhy skvěle.

    Jednodušeji vymyslet popruhy už asi nešlo. Praktická je kapsa na telefon.

    V barvě Dark Navy je nyní k mání i (hlavně mezi pány) oblíbený Office Bag a také Backpack.

    Kanvas má poměrně hrubou strukturu, ale taška vypadá pak velmi robustně a můžet sloužit svému majiteli po velmi dlouhou dobu.

    Backpack je prý absolutní bestseller v západní Evropě. U nás spíše Weekender, popř. Office Bag.

    Další sezónním odstínem je barva Red Wine. V tomto provedení je v nabídce univerzální a skvělý Weekender a dále pak novinka, Daypack.

    Z vlastní zkušenosti víme, že plný Weekender se občas pěkně pronese. Možnost předělat ho na batoh je pak k nezaplacení.

    Daypack je menší verzí batohu Qwstion Backpack. Na rozdíl od něj lze popruhy schovat a používat Daypack pouze jako přenosnou tašku na notebook a pár dalších věcí.

    I batoh může působit elegantně.

    Kromě neoprénového pouzdra na 15" laptop jsou vevnitř i kapsy na adaptér, dokumenty a spoustu dalších nutností. Daypack se nám jeví jako ideální batoh na opravdu každodenní použití. Možná právě proto se jmenuje Daypack.

    Systém připínaní "uší" je velmi jednoduchý. Tohle se nerozbije.

    Daypack je k dispozici kromě barvy Red Wine také v seprané černé (Washed Black).

    Od Backpack podědíl Daypack možnost otevřít se dokořán.