Martin is a friend with a good taste for almost everything. Well, we have to point out that we did not see each other for a long time. We did not drink beer together even longer. We all hope it's going to change.. Another hope for us is to keep trying to issue Fashion Mondays more frequently (a good excuse is that in November there is no good light outdoor..).
Amazing Indigofera Gotham Jacket, inspired by very british Donkey Jacket. Wool & soft leather.
Even Martin was more than surprised how comfortable the brand new Grenson Fred boots could be.
In 1929 the said in Oxford Dictionary about this type of jacket: one with leather shoulders and back. We like the collar too.
Over-sized brogue detailing is typical for Grenson. Mention also robust Commando sole. Goes well with slim fit Indigofera jeans.
Coated rivet belt will be not continued. Last pieces on stock.
Front part of this vest is made of japanese selvage flannel colored with indigo. It will fade like your jeans do.
Martin did not stop by alone but with his Fanda. BTW: beer bottle was empty before we started to shoot.
It is a bit shame that human population almost forget to wear vests. With slim jeans it looks awesome.
Who would resist to try on this tee? Or is it just us, Czechs?
Never out of right track with a map on a back.
Walked away, but we'll see you soon. Thanks again!
Co se týká pracovitosti v hudební oblasti, léta platil za konstantu James Brown. Neuvěřitelnou zarputilost ovšem předvádí i odchovanci D.C. scény kolem labelu Dischord. I když zlatá éra přelomu 80. a 90. let, kdy vládli Fugazi, The Nation of Ulysses, Lungfish a Circus Lupus jsou minulostí, do dnes vlajku hudební nezávislosti a poctivého tvůrčím duchem poznamenaného řemeslna drží například Justin Moyer (El Guapo, Supersystem, Antelope a E. D. Sedgwick). Ten je nejenom příkladným tahounem, ale také výborným glosátorem, který píše například do slavného The Washington Post.
Aktuální deska We Wear White je skvělou ukázkou stylového mixu funku, diska, garážového zvuku, i toho co máme rádi na strohé lokální scéně hlavního města USA. Ideální ukázkou zábavného eklektismu je „singl" He's The One.
Doporučujeme proto navštívit společný koncert E. D. Sedgwick (www.ediesedgwick) a Crime (DE) 2. prosince 2012 v klubu 007 Strahov!